WPShapere WordPress Admin Theme v6.1.5
Admin 2020 Modern WordPress Dashboard v1.1.7
Yith Woocommerce Tab Manager Premium 1.2.23
Xootix Side Cart For WooCommerce v.2.3
Instagram Feed Pro v5.6
Ultimate Dashboard PRO v2.10.1
Ultimate Dashboard PRO v2.10.1 you can completely change the look of the wordpress admin area for your clients. Give your clients a simplified and clean dashboard that they will understand and not feel cluttered.
Purchase this file by itself or get access to our entire 10,000 files for one low monthly fee by subscribing to one of our Intelprise ALL ACCESS membership plans.
Slate Pro WordPress Admin Theme & White Label 1.1.7
Slate Pro is a powerful WordPress admin theme plugin that reimagines WordPress with a clean and simplified design. White label your WordPress install with custom colors, a custom login screen, custom admin branding, and more. Slate Pro is now multisite compatible! Network activate to control the look of all sub-sites.