Wordpress Login Premium Plugins
Digits v. and Addons WordPress Mobile Number Signup and Login
Digits v. and Addons WordPress Mobile Number Signup and Login lets your user signup on your website simply with their mobile number. No more checking emails. Digits WordPress Plugin- with SMS in this fast world, no one has time to SignUp on your website using traditional email, because this is not the single step involved, user has to log into the email account – open email – click on the verification link to verify the email and then he/she gets access to the account on your website.
Purchase this file by itself or get access to our entire 10,000 files for one low monthly fee by subscribing to one of our Intelprise ALL ACCESS membership plans.
Digits v.7.5 and Addons WordPress Mobile Number Signup and Login
Digits v.7.5 and Addons WordPress Mobile Number Signup and Login lets your user signup on your website simply with their mobile number. No more checking emails. Digits WordPress Plugin- with SMS in this fast world, no one has time to SignUp on your website using traditional email, because this is not the single step involved, user has to log into the email account – open email – click on the verification link to verify the email and then he/she gets access to the account on your website.
Purchase this file by itself or get access to our entire 10,000 files for one low monthly fee by subscribing to one of our Intelprise ALL ACCESS membership plans.
Digits v. and Addons WordPress Mobile Number Signup and Login
Digits and Addons WordPress Mobile Number Signup and Login lets your user signup on your website simply with their mobile number. No more checking emails. Digits WordPress Plugin- with SMS in this fast world, no one has time to SignUp on your website using traditional email, because this is not the single step involved, user has to log into the email account – open email – click on the verification link to verify the email and then he/she gets access to the account on your website.
Purchase this file by itself or get access to our entire 10,000 files for one low monthly fee by subscribing to one of our Intelprise ALL ACCESS membership plans.