An Israeli company created a remotely controlled face mask that can be worn while eating

The coronavirus pandemic is changing everything about daily life — maybe even how we eat. Israeli company Avtipus Patents and Inventions unveiled a design for a mask that can be worn while eating, Eli Berlzon at Reuters reported. The mask is controlled by a handheld lever, which opens or closes the mouth opening, but it could also

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Como apps de entrega estão levando pequenos restaurantes à falência…

Aos 49 anos, Ricardo Masironi desistiu de empreender. Desde novembro, o ex-dono de hamburgueria se tornou cozinheiro de uma cervejaria artesanal em Moema, zona sul de São Paulo. Masironi havia criado a Montanha Burger em 2016 e viu a chance de prosperar a partir do serviço de entrega de comida iFood, que estava expandindo as

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6 unusual Alexa skills you should try on your Amazon Echo

These out-of-the-ordinary Alexa skills are worth checking out. Chris Monroe/CNET By now, you’ve probably used your Amazon Echo to play music, connect to other smart home devices and to entertain yourself by asking Alexa funny questions. But have you checked out all the skills Alexa has to offer? After all, you have over 100,000 Alexa skills you can enable, from a beneficial skill

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Google just updated Google Maps. How to use its new transit tools

The Google Maps update offers useful public transit information. Google To celebrate the 15th anniversary of Google Maps, Google is rolling out a big update to its planning and navigation app for iPhone and Android that will give you more detailed information about what you’re facing if you use public transportation to get around. Since its launch in

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