WP Rocket v3.7.2
Astra Premium Sites v.2.2.4
JetStyleManager v.1.0.0 Addon for Elementor
Crocoblock Jet Plugins, All for WordPress, Wordpress Elementor Plugins, Wordpress Premium Plugins, All for WooCommerce
JetPopup v1.3.2 Addon for Elementor
Crocoblock Jet Plugins, All for WordPress, Wordpress Elementor Plugins, Wordpress Premium Plugins, All for WooCommerce
JetProductGallery v1.1.4 Addon for Elementor
Crocoblock Jet Plugins, All for WordPress, Wordpress Elementor Plugins, Wordpress Premium Plugins, All for WooCommerce
JetCompareWishlist v1.1.1 Addon for Elementor
Crocoblock Jet Plugins, All for WordPress, Wordpress Elementor Plugins, Wordpress Premium Themes, All for WooCommerce
JetCompareWishlist v1.1.1 Addon for Elementor Features lets you set the parameters by which you want to compare the products, xtyle up the structure and looks of products wishlist according to your goal, add a product into a list and let the customers know the number of times a product was added into a list.
JetBlocks v1.2.2 Addon for Elementor
Crocoblock Jet Plugins, All for WordPress, Wordpress Elementor Plugins, Wordpress Premium Plugins, All for WooCommerce
JetBlocks v1.2.2 Addon for Elementor is a much needed addon for Elementor allowing to create stylish high-end headers and footers with multiple widgets specifically cut for Elementor-based header and footer templates.