WP Hide PRO v.6.2.3 Hide and Protect WordPress Files

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $10.00.
WP Hide PRO v.6.2.3 Hide and Protect Wordpress Files gives you a convenient way to hide your WordPress from viewing through code. Web crawlers will not find any traces of WordPress on your site. Over 99.99% of hacking sites are targeted attacks on specific plugins and topic vulnerabilities. Since plugins and WordPress themes are no longer found, no hacking occurs even if the site uses vulnerable code. Purchase this file by itself or get access to our entire 10,000 files for one low monthly fee by subscribing to one of our Intelprise ALL ACCESS membership plans.

WP Hide PRO v.6.2.2 Hide and Protect WordPress Files

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $10.00.
Hide My WP Nulled is number one security plugin for WordPress. It hides your WordPress from attackers, spammers and theme detectors. Over 26,000 satisfied customers use Hide My WP. It also hides your wp login URL and renames admin URL. It detects and blocks XSS, SQL Injection type of security attacks on your WordPress website.   Purchase this file by itself or get access to our entire 10,000 files for one low monthly fee by subscribing to one of our Intelprise ALL ACCESS membership plans.

WP Hide PRO v.2.0.6 Hide and Protect WordPress Files

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $10.00.
WP Hide PRO v.2.0.6 Hide and Protect Wordpress Files gives you a convenient way to hide your WordPress from viewing through code. Web crawlers will not find any traces of WordPress on your site. Over 99.99% of hacking sites are targeted attacks on specific plugins and topic vulnerabilities. Since plugins and WordPress themes are no longer found, no hacking occurs even if the site uses vulnerable code.

WP Hide PRO v2.0.5 Hide and Protect WordPress Files

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $10.00.
WP Hide PRO v2.0.5 Hide and Protect Wordpress Files gives you a convenient way to hide your WordPress from viewing through code. Web crawlers will not find any traces of WordPress on your site. Over 99.99% of hacking sites are targeted attacks on specific plugins and topic vulnerabilities.